Modifier Suggestion
HSC Exam- 2020
What is Modifier
Modifier হল এমন একটি শব্দ বা বাক্যাংশ যেটি একটি Adjective বা Adverb হিসেবে কাজ করে। Modifier অন্য একটি শব্দ বা বাক্যাংশ সম্পর্কে অতিরিক্ত তথ্য প্রদান করে।
কাকে Modify করবো : সাধারনত আমরা noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, full sentence কে Modify করতে পারি ।
1. Noun is modified by only adjective or equivalent.
2. Verb is modified by adverb.
3. Adverb is modified by any part of speech except noun
4. adjective is modified by adverb/adjective
আমরা ২ ধরণের Modifier দেখতে পাই, Pre-modifier, and Post-modifier. যখন modifier টি head এর পূর্বে বসে, সেটি Pre- Modifier, যখন modifier টি head এর পরে বসে, সেটি Post- Modifier.

Grammatical Items in Modifier
Modifiers হিসেবে কোন grammar items আমরা ব্যবহার করি তার একটা তালিকা :
- Determiner
- Adjective
- Appositive
- Infinitive
- Infinitive Phrase
- Relative Pronoun
- Relative Clause
- Prepositional Phrase
- Adverb
- Participle
Determiner এর মধ্যে রয়েছে Article, Possessive, Demonstrative এবং Adjective
Article: a) Indefinite: a and an, b) Definite: the
Possessive pronoun: my, your, our, his, her, their, its
(Note: All possessive pronouns come before a noun. Example; My pen, our house, their land, its color, etc.)
Demonstrative pronoun: this, that, these and those
Distributive: All, both, each, every, half, either, neither, etc.
Quantifier: A few, a little, many, much, most, no, any enough, some, a lot of,
হয়তো আপনারা জেনে থাকবেন Adjective কি। আমি আরেকটু সহজভাবে বলি, আমরা “কেমন” দ্বারা প্রশ্ন করলে উত্তরে যা পাই, তাই একটি Adjective.
Example: Rina is a very good girl. (ভাল মেয়ে, অর্থাৎ, good শব্দটি দ্বারা বুঝানো হচ্ছে, girl টি কেমন)
Adjective কে কয়েকটি ভাগে ভাগ করা হয়, যেমনঃ
a) Adjective of quality, b) Adjective of quantity or quantifier, c) Adjective of number d) Distributive adjective and e) pronominal adjective.
a) Adjective of Quality:
Good, bad, honest, dishonest, etc. (Note: Adjective of quality does not work as a determiner but it works as modifier)
b) Adjective of Quantity:
Some, many, much, little, few, huge, full, half, etc.
c) Adjective of Number
Ordinal number: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Cardinal number: one, two, three, etc.
Multiplicative number: once, twice, thrice, etc.
Collective number: pair, dozen, etc.
Ranking number: primary, secondary and tertiary.
d) Noun Adjective (Noun + Noun):
যখন একটি Noun অন্য একটি Noun এর পূর্বে এবং ১ম Noun টি একটি Adjective হিসেবে কাজ করে, এই Noun কে Noun Adjective বলা হয়। যেহেতু এটি একটি Noun কিন্তু কাজ করে Adjective এর মত, তাই এটিকে Noun Adjective বলা হয়।
For example; Dhaka City, Bangladesh Bank, School Bus, College Dress, Classroom, etc.
3) Appositive (Extra idea about Noun):
For example:
i) Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh, is a big city.
ii) Bangladesh, a land of rivers, is our homeland.
iii) Jahid, my best friend, is very attentive to his study,
4) Infinitive (to + verb):
For example
i) To walk is beneficial to health.
ii) To swim is good exercise.
iii) Mangoes are tasty to eat.
5) Infinitive Phrase (to + verb + object):
For example; i) To walk in the morning is good for health. ii) To swim in the pond is easy. iii) Fishes are good to eat for our health.
6) Relative Pronoun
Who, Whose, Whom, Which, What, That, Why, Where, How, etc.
For example,
i) I saw the boy who did this work.
ii) This is the place where I was born.
iii) I don't know why he did the work.
iv) He told me how to do it.
7) Relative Clause
The clause which begins with relative pronoun is called a relative clause.
For example; i) I know the man who is very honest. ii) This is the place where he was born. iii) I have no idea why he did the work. iv) He told me how I can do it.
8) Prepositional Phrase:
At the top of, by dint of, by means of, by virtue of, for the sake of, in case of, in comparison to, in course of, in favour of, in order to, in search of, in spite of, instead of, in the midst of, in view of, on account of, on behalf of, owing to, with a view to etc.
9) Adverb:
An adverb is a word used to modify any part of speech except noun or pronoun. (J.C. Nesfield)
Classification of Adverb:
কাজ অনুসারে Adverb কে বিভিন্ন ভাগে ভাগ করা হয়। বিভিন্ন ধরনের Adverb সম্পর্কে জেনে নেয়া যাক। এতে তোমাদের মনে রাখতে সুবিধা হবে।
কখন, কতক্ষন, বা কতবার দ্বারা প্রশ্ন করলে যে শব্দগুলো পাই, তাই Adverb of time। অর্থাৎ, একটি Verb কখন, কতক্ষন বা কতবার কাজ সম্পাদন করে, তা বুঝাতে আমরা যে শব্দগেুলো ব্যবহার করি সেগুলোকে Adverb বলে।
Adverb গুলো হলোঃ Now, then, ago, before, always, seldom, often, once, twice, again, today, yesterday, daily, regularly, early etc.
কোথায় দ্বারা প্রশ্ন করলে, উত্তরে যা পাই তা হলো Adverb of place। অর্থাৎ, Adverb of place কোন কাজ কোথায় ঘটছে তা বুঝায়।
এ ধরনের Adverb গুলো হলোঃ here, there, far, near, above, below, inside, outside, locally, in Dhaka, In Bangladesh etc.
কীভাবে কাজটি করা হলো প্রশ্ন করলে, উত্তরে যা পাই, তা Adverb of manner। অর্থাৎ, কোন কাজ কিভাবে করা হচ্ছে, তা বুঝাতে Adverb of manner ব্যবহৃত হয়।
এরকম কিছু Adverb হলোঃ clearly, closely, correctly, bravely, badly, sadly, softly, steadily, slowly, simply, suddenly, carefully, carelessly, suddenly, easily, quickly, probably, wrongly, fortunately, unfortunately, naturally, wrongly, etc.
iv) Adverb of degree:
কতটা বা কি পরিমানে বোঝাতে Adverb of degree ব্যবহার হয়।
এ ধরনের কিছু Adverb গুলো হলোঃ almost, quite, totally, entirely, deeply, very, much, fully, partially, completely, strongly, half, poorly etc.
কোন কাজের কারণ বা উদ্দেশ্য বোঝাতে যে Adverb ব্যবহার হয়, সেগুলোকে Adverb of reason or purpose বলো হয়। এ ধরনের Adverb গুলো হলোঃ hence, therefore, so, so that etc.
হ্যাঁ বা না বাচক শব্দও একধরনের Adverb। এ ধরনের Adverb গুলো হলোঃ yes, no, never.
যে Adverb গুলো Verb বা Adjective এর উপর বিশেষ ভাবে জোর দেয়, সেগুলোকে Intensifier বলে। যেমনঃ very, very much, actually, certainly, surely, definitely, really, absolutely, indeed etc.
Intensifier এর বিপরীতে যে Adverb গুলি verb, adjective বা অন্য কোন adverb এর গুরুত্ব কমিয়ে দেয় সেগুলিকে Downtoners বলে।
যেমনঃ hardly, barely, scarcely, nearly, somewhat, slightly, a little bit, a bit, only just, etc.
10) Participle:
Participle হচ্ছে Verb এর একটি রুপ বা Form যেটি একই সংগে Verb এবং Adjective এর কাজ করে থাকে। Participle ২ ধরনের হয়ে থাকে।
আমরা জানি একটি Verb এর ৪টি রুপ বা Form থাকে, যেমন (do - did - doing- done)
এখানে, doing (present participle) এবং done (past participle)।
Present Participle:
Verb এর সাথে -ing যুক্ত করে Present participle গঠিত হয়। Present Participle চলমান কোন কাজের অবস্থা বুঝাতে Adjective হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত হয়। তাছাড়া, Continuous Tense গঠনে ও এটি ব্যবহৃত হয়।
Examples of Present Participle:
a) You should not get down from a running bus
b) A blooming flower is beautiful to look at.
c) We saw the boy playing in the field.
d) Hearing the news, I became very happy.
Past Participle:
সাধারণত Verb এর সাথে -ed যুক্ত করে Present participle গঠিত হয়। Present Participle এক ধরনের Adjective যেটি সমাপ্ত কোন কাজের অবস্থা বুঝায়। তাছাড়া এটি Passive ও Perfect Tense গঠন করতে ব্যবহৃত হয়।
Examples of Present Participle:
a) We saw the trees laden with fruits.
b) There is a broken chair in the room.
c) He got a hidden treasure in his field.
d) Driven by hunger, he stole a piece of bread.
1. Deforestation means cutting down of trees (a) ——(post-modify the verb). To meet up the basic needs of food and housing, trees are being cut in a large scale and thus it causes (b) ——(pre-modify the noun) imbalance. Besides, there are some dishonest people who cut trees in our forest (c) ——(use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb) money. Due to deforestation carbon dioxide is increasing (d) ——(post-modify the verb). The (e) ——(use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) level is rising and many parts of the world are going to be engulfed by the sea in near future. New areas of the world are (f) ——(use a participle to pre-modify the verb) turned into desert as a result of deforestation. (g) ——(use a participle to pre-modify the noun) trees in such an indiscriminate rate will be hazardous for our future existence. If we destroy trees (h) ——(use an adverbial phrase to post-modify the verb), one day the country will turn into a great desert. The (i) ——(use a participle to pre-modify them noun) temperature will cause greenhouse effect. Necessary measures should be taken (j) ——(use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb).
2. Ayesha Begum has three sons and two daughters. Her husband was a (a) ----- (Pre-modify the noun) farmer who used (b) ----- (Post-modify the verb by using infinitive) on other people’s land. With great effort they married (c) ------ (use a pronoun) daughters off by the time they reached teenage. Their sons also started (d) ------ (use present participle to modify the verb) with their father as (e) ------ (pre-modify the noun) labourers when they were old enough to help. By the time they were seventeen, they left for towns (f) ----- (use infinitive to post modify the verb) money. At first they used to send money to their parents (g) -----, (use an adverb to post modify the verb) but after getting married they barely had enough to support their (h) ------ (Pre-modify the noun) families. Out of desperation, Ayesha Begum started (i) ------ (Post-modify the verb) in the village to feed her old, (j) ----- (Pre-modify the noun) husband and herself.
3. A village doctor is (a)….. (Use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) familiar person in the rural areas of Bangladesh. He is (b) …… (Pre-modify the verb) known as a quack. A village doctor is not a (c)……. (Pre-modify the noun) doctor. He (d)……. (Pre-modify the verb) sits in a small dispensary in the morning and evening. He treats the patients (e) …… (Use participle to post-modify the verb) small fees. A village doctor in a (f)……. (Pre-modify the noun) man. His chamber is (g) ….. (Pre-modify the verb) furnished. He cannot supply costly medicines to the (h)…… (Pre-modify the noun) patients. In our country, the number of qualified doctors is (i) …… (Use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) few. So, a village doctor is a great friend to the (j)…… (Pre-modify the noun) people.
1. Sabbir is (a) ----- (use determiner to pre-modify the noun phrase) ideal student. He prepares (b) ----- (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) lessons in collaboration with his teachers. He does (c) ------ (Post-modify the verb) in every examination as he does not waste time. He knows time once lost is lost forever. So, he utilizes every moment. During his free time he goes to his native village. He teaches (d) ----- (Pre-modify the noun) people. He wants (e) ------ (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb) illiteracy from his village. (f) ----- (use present participle to pre-modify the verb) illiteracy from his village, he wants to bring about massive development there. He is (g) ----- (use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) devoted to God. He says prayer (h) ------ (use a quantifier to pre-modify the noun) times a day. He never tells a lie. He respects his parents very much. Other superiors are also respected by him. His father, (i) ------- (Post-modify the noun with an appositive) supports him cordially. His mother, an ideal housewife, (j) ----- (Pre-modify the verb) supports him very much. Such a student like Sabbir is rarely found nowadays.
2. A balanced diet is a good mixture of (a) ------ (Pre-modify the noun) foods. It is essential (b) ---- (Post-modify the adjective with an infinitive) a healthy life. There are many benefits of eating (c) ------ (Pre-modify the noun) diet because it prevents (d) ----- (Use determiners to pre-modify the noun) diseases. As a result we do not get sick (e) ----- (Post-modify the verb with an adverb). We should not eat the (g) ------ (use adjective to pre-modify the noun) foods for whole week. We can keep fit (h) ----- (use a participle) a balanced diet. But it is not easy (i) ----- (Post-modify the adjective with an infinitive) a balanced diet. Here (j) ------- (use a determiner) nutritionist can help us.
3. The people of Bangladesh have expressed their shock (a) ------ (Modify the verb) at the reaction of Pakistan Parliament. Pakistan strongly protested the execution of two (b) ----- (Pre-modify the noun) collaborators who committed crimes against humanity on their own people in 1971. There is a demand for apology from (c) ------ (use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) government for the crimes of its army during Liberation War of Bangladesh. Recently Pakistan’s National Assembly may be within its rights (d) ----- (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb) for the execution of two collaborators. But it is quite clear to us that Pakistan always tries to erase its past history. To erase (e) ------ (use a demonstrator to pre-modify the noun) history is not easy because history continues to follow all of us. Pakistan, (f) ----- (Post-modify the noun with an appositive), cannot come out of its military influence. As a result, the country has become (g) ------- (use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) barbarous. So Pakistan is going down (h) ------ (use an adverb to post-modify the verb). The founder of Pakistan Mr. Jinnah was physically (i) ----- (use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) weak so the state always tried to show its physical strength since (j) ----- (use a possessive to pre-modify the noun) birth.
4. Kazi Nazrul Islam is called the Shelley of Bengali literature. He was a (a) ----- (Pre-modify the noun) poet. He wrote (b) ---- (Post-modify the verb) in every branch of Bengali literature. Nazrul, (c) ------ (use an appositive), won the attention of everyone in his childhood. He wrote ceaselessly until the death of (d) ------- (use possessive pronoun) poetic flair. He composed his songs (e) ----- (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb). His songs are (f) ----- (use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) melodious. He enriched the Bengali literature. He was (j) ------ (use an article) secular poet. He sang the songs of equality (j) ------- (use and adverbial phrase).
5. Raja, (a) --- (Post- modify the noun with an appositive), is known to his classmate as a good student. He has (b) ----- (Use a quantifier to Pre modify the noun) good qualities. He knows that the (c) ------ (Pre-modify the noun with an adjective) duty of a student is to study and he never neglects (d) ----- (Use demonstrative to pre-modify the noun) duty. He prepares (e) ----- (Use possessive to pre-modify the noun) lessons regularly. He maintains discipline. He knows the value of time. He gets up (f) ----- (post- modify the verb with an adverb) so the he can get enough time to study. He goes to school (g) ----- (Post-modify the verb with an adverb). He never wastes a (h) -------- (Pre-modify the noun with an adjective) moment in vain. Raja is (i) -------- (Pre- modify the adjective with an intensifier) gentle. He always obeys his parents and teachers. He never mixes with (j) ---- (Pre-modify the noun) boys. A boy like Raja is an asset of our nation.
6. Rabindranath Tagore was a (a) …. (Pre-modify the noun) poet of Bangali literature. He was born in a (b)…… (Pre-modify the noun) family at Jarasanko, Kiolokata. He went to school (c)….. (Post-modify the verb). He wrote his (d)….. (Pre-modify the noun) verse at the age of eight. At the age of seventeen, he went to London (e)…… (Post modify the verb with an infinitive) school there. He was put up in a lodging house under the care of a (f)…. (Pre-modify the noun) coach, Mr. Scott. He was lucky (g)…… (Post modify the adjective with an infinitive) an English family of Mr. Scott. He also visited the House of Parliament (h)….. (post modify the verb with an infinitive) Gladstone and John Bright’s debates on Irish rule. He wrote letters to Kolkata (i)…… (post modify the verb with a present participle) English society. At this, his family thought that they might lose their son (j)…… (Post-modify the verb). So, he was called back to Kolkata.
7. I had a peculiar experience (a)…… (Post-modify the verb) while travelling to St. Martin’s Island. I visited the island along with my family. Zahid, (b)…… (Post modify the noun with an appositive), was our guide. On our way to the island, we watched (c)……. (Demonstrative to pre-modify the noun) sea gulls. The (d)……. (Pre-modify the noun) birds were flying (e)…… (Post-modify the verb) with the ship. They became (f)…… (Use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) dear and friendly to us. We entertained them with chips and biscuits. (g)…… (Use a present participle to pre-modify the verb) them, we became (h)…… (Use an intensifier to pre-modify the verb) exited. We decided (i)…… (Use infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb) in the idyllic (kvšÍ I g‡bvig) island for a couple of days. We can never forget (j)…… (Use a demonstrative to pre-modify the adjective phrase) lovely sea birds.
8. It was a hot (a)… (Use a noun adjective to per-modify the noun) day. A (b) ….. (Pre-modify the noun) crow flew all over the fields looking for water. For a long time, she could not find any water. He felt (c) … (use an intensifier to per-modify the adjective) weak, almost giving up hope. Suddenly, she saw a water jug below her. She flew (d)….. (Post modify the verb) to see if there was any water inside. Yes, she could see some water inside the jug. The crow tried (e)…… (Use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb). Sadly, she found that the neck of the jug was too narrow. Then she tried to push the jug down for the water to flow out. But she found (f)….. (Use a demonstrative to pre-modify the noun) jug too heavy. The crow thought (g)….. (Use a phrase to post-modify the verb) what to do. (h) ….. (Use a participle to pre-modify the verb), she saw some pebbles nearby. She (i)….. (Pre-modify the verb) had a good idea. She started picking up the pebbles one by one, dropping each into the jug. As more and more pebbles filled the jug, the water level kept rising. Soon it was high (j)……. (Post-modify the adjective) for the crow to drink. The crow quenched its thirst and flew away.
9. Most of the people in (a) ….. (Use possessive to pre-modify the noun) country do not know the importance of English. In fact, it is an (b)….. (Use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) language and we are living in a (c)….(pre-modify the noun) village. So, if you know English (d) …. (Post modify the verb with an adverb), you can communicate with (e)…… (use article to pre-modify the noun phrase) rest of the world. It is surely an important element of your (f)…… (Use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) skill. Without the knowledge of English with proper understanding, you cannot complete (g)….. (Use possessive to pre-modify the noun) higher studies because most of the books are written in English in the process o higher education. Poor knowledge of English will hamper your (h)…… (Use noun adjective) development. In short, if you do not have a good command of English, you will suffer (i) ….. (Post modify the verb with prepositional phrase/ adverbial) of your life. So, don’t waste your time and try to learn English (j)….. (Post-modify the verb with an adverb) from today.
10. Othello, (a)…. (Use an appositive to post modify the noun) had risen to become a general. He had shown his bravery in many (b) ….. (Use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) battles against the Turks. Everyone praised him (c)….. (Use an adverb to post-modify the verb) and the senate trusted and honoured him. Brabantio, a rich, senator of Venice had a daughter named Desdemona (d)….. (Use a relative clause to post modify the noun). Brabantio (e)….. (Use an adverb to pre-modify the verb) invited Othello to his house where he and his daughter listened in wonder to Othello as he spoke about his adventures. He told them of caves and of mountains high (f)…. (Use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) to touch the sky. Desdemona had to weep (g)…. (Use a present participle to post-modify the verb phrase) and she never became tired of listening to it. She pitied Othello (h)….. (Use an adverb to post modify the verb) for the misfortunes and hardships of his life. Her pity (i) …… (Use an adverb to pre-modify the verb) turned to love. She refused all the young men (j)……. (Use an infinitive to post modify the verb) because she loved Othello, a noble Muslim Moor from North Africa.
11. Once there lived a (a)…… (Pre-modify the noun) fox in a jungle. One day, while he was walking (b)…… (Post modify the verb) through the jungle he fell into a trap and lost his tail. He felt (c)….. (Pre-modify the adjective) unhappy and sad. But the fox was very cunning. He hit upon a plan. He invited all the foxes (d)…. (Post modify the verb with an infinitive) to a meeting. When all the foxes arrived, the fox without a tail said “My dear friends, listen to me, please, I have discovered a (e)……. (Pre-modify the noun) thing. It is that our tails are (f)….. (Pre-modify the adjective) useless. They look ugly and dirty. So, we all should cut off our tails, shouldn’t we? All foxes listened to the cunning fox (g)…… (Post-modify the verb). Most of them agreed (h)…… (Post modify the verb with an infinitive) their tails. But an old and (i)…… (Pre-modify the noun) fox said to him, “My friend, your plan is nice but evil. Actually, you want to cut off our tails because you have (j)…. (pre-modify the noun with a determiner) tail of your own.”
12. Water is a (a) …. (Pre-modify the noun) substance. It has no colour of (b)….. (Possessive to pre-modify) own. The (c)….. (Determiner to pre-modify the noun) name of water is life. By drinking water we can quench (d)….. (Possessive to pre modify the noun) thirst. Thus we can survive on earth. But (e)….. (Pre-modify the noun) water is life killing. By drinking contaminated water, we suffer from diseases like diarrhoea, typhoid etc. We may (f) …… (Pre-modify the verb) face (g) ….. (Pre-modify the noun) death by drinking such type of water. We are responsible for (h) ….. (Noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) pollution. Waste materials from mills and factories are thrown here and there. Farmers use fertilizers and insecticides in their land. During the rainy season, they are mixed with ponds and rivers. Besides, latrines (i) …… (Participle to post modify the noun) on ponds and rivers cause water pollution. (j)……. (Pre-modify the noun) awareness should be raised to stop water pollution.
13. A balance diet is a good mixture of (a) —— (pre-modify the noun) foods. It is essential for us (b) —— (post-modify the adjective with an infinitive) a healthy life. There are many benefits of eating a (c) —— (pre-modify the noun) diet because it prevents (d)—— (use determiner to pre-modify the noun) diseases. As a result, we do not get sick (e) —— (postmodify the verb with an adverb). We should select (f) —— (pre-modify the verb with possessive) diet according to our needs. We should not eat the (g) —— (use adjective to pre-modify the noun) foods for the whole week. We can keep fit (h) —— (use a participle) abalanced diet. But it is not easy (i) —— (post-modify the adjective with an infinitive) a balanced diet. Here (j) —— (use a determiner) nutrionist can help us.
14. Once there lived a (a) —— (pre-modify noun) —— fox is a jungle. One day, while he was walking (b) —— (post-modify the verb) through the jungle, he fell into a trap and lost his tail. He felt (c) —— (pre-modify the adjective) unhappy and sad. But the fox was very cunning. He hit upon a plan. He invited all the foxes (d) —— (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) to a meeting. When all the foxes arrived, the fox without a tail said, “My dear friends, listen to me, please. I have discovered a (e) —— (pre-modify the noun) thing. It is that our tails are (f) —— (pre-modify the adjective) useless. They look ugly and dirty. So we all should cut off our tails, shouldn’t we?” All foxes listened to the cunning fox (g) —— (post-modify the verb). Most of them agreed (h) —— (post-modify the verb an infinitive) their tails. But an old and (i) —— (pre-modify the noun) fox said to him, “My friend, your plan is nice but evil. Actually, you want to cut off our tails because you have (j) —— (premodify the noun with a determiner) tail of your own.
15. We went on a (a) —— (pre-modify the noun with noun adjective) tour at Sonargaon, the capital of (b) —— (pre-modify the noun) Bangla. It was really (c) —— (post-modify the pronoun) to see the capital of (d) —— (pre-modify the noun) Bangla for the first time. As we were late (e) —— (post-modify the verb), we were compelled (f) —— (post-modify the verb with infinitive) our lunch fast. (g) —— (pre-modify the verb with perfect participle) up we began waiting. Then one by one such as polao, chicken roast, mutton arrived and the (h) —— (pre-modify the noun) smell of them wafted across the area as the fragrance made (i) —— (pre-modify the noun with possessive) mouths water. We all gazed (j) —— (post-modify the verb) at the display of food and waited only to be ordered.
16. Tea is the most —— (a) —— (pre-modify noun) drink in the modern world. It is —— (b) —— (pre-modify adjective) refreshing. Tea plants grow —— (c) —— (post-modify verb) on the slope of the hills. In the garden, tea plants are —— (d) —— (pre-modify verb) planted in rows. —— (e) —— (pre-modify noun) leaves are plucked for times a year. —— (f) —— (participle phrase to pre-modify subject), they are processed in a machine and then dried in a cauldron over a furnace. After —— (g) —— (determiner to pre-modify noun) process, tea is ready for consumption. As a drink, tea is prepared in a —— (h) —— (pre-modify noun) way. Now, it is a common drink —— (i) —— (infinitive phrase to post-modify noun). However, taking too much tea is harmful —— (j) —— (prepositional phrase to post-modify adjective).
17. It is said that the other name of (a) —— (use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) water is life. By drinking, we quench (b) —— (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) thirst. So we need pure water (c) —— (use infinitive to post-modify the verb) on the earth. But (d) —— (use participle to pre-modify the noun) water is life-killing. By drinking unsafe water, we suffer from (e) —— (use quantifier to pre-modify the noun) diseases. We may (f) —— (use pre-modify the verb) face (g) —— (pre-modify the noun) death by taking contaminated water. We are responsible for (h) —— (use demonstrative) pollution. So, (i) —— (pre-modify the noun) awareness is necessary (j) —— (infinitive phrase) water pollution.
18. A (a) —— (pre-modify the noun with a noun adjective) morning is misty and cold. There is dense fog (b) —— (post-modify the verb). The sun rises (c) —— (post-modify verb) in the morning. People wear (d) —— (pre-modify the noun) clothes. They get comforts (e) —— (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) in the sun. Those who don’t have clothes suffer from (f) —— (pre-modify the noun) cold. Sometimes, the fog is so dense even things at a distance can (g) —— (pre-modify the verb) be seen. People like (h) —— (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) in doors. The fog disappears when the sun rises up. Dew drops (i) ——, (post-modify the noun with a prepositional phrase) look like pearls. Rural people gather around the fire (j) —— (post-modify the verb with an infinitive phrase).
19. Ayesha Begum has three sons and two daughters. Her husband was a (a) —— (pre-modify the noun) farmer who used (b) —— (post-modify the verb by using infinitive) on other people's land. With great effort they married (c) —— (use a pronoun) daughters off by the time they reached teenage. The sons also (d) —— (use present participle to modify the verb) with their father as (e) —— (pre-modify the noun) labourers when they were old enough to help. By the time they were seventeen, they left for towns (f) —— (use infinitive to post-modify the verb) money. At first they used to send money to their parents (g) —— (use an adverb to post-modify the verb) but after getting married they barely had enough to support their (h) —— (pre-modify the noun) families. Out of desperation, Ayesha Begum started (i) —— (post-modify the verb) in the village to feed her old, (j) —— (pre-modify the noun) husband and herself.
20. A young girl was crying (a) —— (post-modify the verb). So, I went to her (b) —— (use infinitive to post-modify the verb) what happened to her. She felt a bit comforted (c) —— (use a noun phrase to post-modify the verb). Going near her, I came to know that she lost (d) —— (use a noun phrase to post-modify the verb). She told me that she had come to the market with her parents. But as the place was (e) —— (pre-modify with an intensifier) crowded she could not follow them. I felt (f) —— (pre-modify the adjective with an intensifier) sorry for the girl and took her with me. (g) —— (pre-modify the verb with a present participle phrase), I gave her food. The girl became happy (h) —— (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the adjective) and slept soon. Next morning I went to the (i)—— (premodify the noun) police station and informed the duty officer about the girl (j) —— (postmodify the noun with a relative pronoun) I got in the market place.
21. Once there lived a (a) —— (use a pre-modifier of the noun) woodcutter. But he was (b) —— (use a pre-modifier of the adjective) honest. He earned his livelihood by cutting wood and selling them in the market. One day while he was cutting wood near a pond, suddenly (c) —— (use a possessive to pre-modify the noun) axe slipped from his hand and fell into the water and soon it sank (d) —— (use a prepositional phrase). The woodcutter could not find any way to get back his axe. He sat by the side of the pond (e) —— (post-modify the verb with an present participle). He was thinking how he could cut wood without axe and maintain (f) —— (use a possessive to pre-modify the noun) family. Then a (g) —— (pre-modify the noun) incident took place. A (h) —— (use a pre-modifier of the noun) fairy was passing near the pond. She saw the woodcutter (i) —— (use a present participle to post-modify the verb) by the pond. She asked him with a sweet voice. "Why are you (j) —— (use a intensifier to premodify the adjective) sad? What happened to you?"
22. Road accident is a common phenomenon in (a) —— (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) country. It occurs almost everyday. Consequently, people have to face (b) —— (premodify the noun) death. I saw a terrible road accident (c) —— (post-modify the verb). A Dhakabound bus (d) —— (pre-modify the verb) collided with a Chittagongbound bus in Comilla. (e) —— (use quantifier to pre-modify the noun) died on the spot. (f) —— (use demonstrative to pre-modify the noun) passengers (g) ——(use past participle to postmodify the noun) in the accident were immediately hospitalized. (h) —— (pre-modify the noun) scream was heard from every corner. (i) —— (use determiner to pre-modify the noun) road was covered with blood. The police surrounded the whole area. They were investigating the spot. I could not sleep (j) —— (post-modify the verb) last night.
23. Cricket is called a (a) (use noun adjective to pre modify the noun) game. It is played (b) (use pre positional phrases). Bangladesh is a test (c) (use participle to pre-modify the noun) country. People of Bangladesh have (d) (use determiner) interest (e) (use infinitive) this game. They became (f) (use intensifier to pre-modify the noun) happy when they see Bangladesh (g) (use present participle to pre-modify the noun) an international match. At the same time (h) (use determiner to pre modify the noun) failure of their (i) (use adjective to modify the noun) team touches (j) use possessive to pre-modify the noun) hearts.
24. It was twenty years (a) —— (use adverb to post-modify) when I was living in an apartment (b) —— (use present participle to post-modify the noun) a cemetery. At that time a lady wrote a letter to me (c) —— (use present participle to post-modify the noun) one of my books just (d) —— (use past participle to post-modify the noun) in the newspaper. It made me so excited that I sent her a letter of thanks. Immediately after that she wrote me second letter (e) —— (use present participle to post-modify the noun) that she was passing through Paris and would like to have a chat with me. The lady also requested me (f) —— (use infinitive to post-modify the noun) her a little luncheon at Foyots. (g) —— (use perfect participle to post-modify the noun) the letter I became pleased and excited. I was eager to enjoy the company of the (h) —— (pre-modify the noun) lady. However, at Foyots I met the lady. I was disappointed to see the guest. She was not so charming and young as I expected her to be. She was a woman of forty (i) —— (use present participle to post-modify the noun) more teeth. She was also (j) —— (use intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) talkative.
25. It is said that the other name of (a) —— (use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) water is life. Because by drinking it we quench (b) —— (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) thirst. So, we need pure water (c) —— (post-modify the verb using an infinitive) on the earth. But (d) —— (pre-modify the noun) water is life killing. By drinking contaminated water, we suffer from (e) —— (use quantifier to pre-modify the noun) diseases. We may (f) —— (pre-modify the verb) face (g) —— (pre-modify the noun) death by drinking contaminated water. We are responsible for (h) —— (use noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) pollution. Waste materials from mills and factories are thrown here and there. Besides latrines (i) —— (use present participle to post-modify the noun) on ponds and rivers cause water pollution. So, (j) —— (pre-modify the noun) awareness should be raised to stop water pollution.
26. Most of the people in (a) — (Use possessive to pre-modify the noun) country do not know the importance of English, (b) — (Post-modify the noun with an appositive). In fact, it is an (c) — (Use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) language and we are living in a global village. So, if you know English (d) — (Post-modify the verb with an adverb), you can communicate with (e) — (Use article to pre-modify the noun phrase) rest of the world. It is surely an important element of your (f) — (Use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) skill. Without the knowledge of English, you cannot complete (g) — (Use possessive to premodify the noun) higher studies because most of the books are written in English. Poor knowledge of English will also hamper your (h) — (Use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) development. In short, if you do not have a good command over English, you will suffer (i) — (Post-modify the verb with prepositional phrase/adverbial) of your life. So, don't waste your time and try to learn English (j) — (Post-modify the verb with an adverb) from today.
27. Education (a) —— (use appositive to post-modify the noun) is essential for development. We can improve (b) —— (possessive to pre-modify the noun) mind. An (c) —— (adjective to pre-modify the noun) person has the ability (d) —— (infinitive phrase). One can refine one's sensibility (e) —— (present participle phrase). Actually, the educated are able to bring about (f) —— (pre-modify the noun) development. On the other hand, an (g) —— person (h) —— (adverb to pre-modify the verb) lag behind. So, the educated should come forward (i) —— (prepositional phrase) to educate all in the society to unload (j) —— (use determiner) owes to the country.
28. One day Israt was returning home (a) —— (post-modify the verb) from college. On the way she was a dog (b) —— (use a participle phrase to post-modify a noun). It was barking (c) —— (post-modify the verb). An (d) —— (pre-modify the noun) boy had hit the poor creature with a big stone. It hurt its (e) —— (pre-modify the noun) leg and it was bleeding (f) —— (postmodify the verb). Israt became (g) —— (post-modify the verb) sad. She (h) —— (pre-modify the verb) carried the dog home and nursed the wound. She tied a bandage tightly round the (i) —— (pre-modify the noun) leg. In a week the dog was (j) —— (use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) well.
29. Once upon a time a (a) —— (Use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) fox was roaming in search of food (b) —— (Post-modify the verb with adverbial). He looked, but could not find anything (c) —— (Use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb). He was feeling very weak and tired due to hunger. (d) —— (Pre-modify the verb with adverb) he saw a garden at a distance. He went there without (e) —— (Use determiner to pre-modify the noun) number of grape vines laden with bunch of grapes. (f) —— (Use a demonstrative to premodify the noun phrase) grapes looked quite ripe and juicy. The fox looked at the grapes with longing eyes and licked (g) —— (Use possessive to pre-modify the noun) chops. The grapes were in a place too high for him. The fox tried (h) —— (Post-modify the verb with adverbial). But he failed (i) —— (Use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb). Therefore, he walked away in despair.
30. A young girl was crying (a) —— (post-modify the verb). So I went to her (b) —— (use infinitive to post-modify the verb) what happened to her (c) —— (Use present participle to pre-modify the verb) near her, I came to know that she lost (d) —— (use a noun phrase to post-modify the verb). She told me that she had come to the market with her parents. But as the place was (e) —— (pre-modify the adjective with an intensifier) crowded she could not follow them. I felt (f) —— (pre-modify the adjective with an intensifier) sorry for the girl and took her with me (g) —— (pre-modify the verb with a present participle phrase), I gave her food. The girl became happy (h) —— (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the adjective) and slept soon. Next morning I went to the (i) —— (pre-modify the noun) police station and informed the duty officer about the girl (j) —— (post-modify the noun with a relative pronoun) I got in the market place.
31. Farjana (a) —— (post-modify the noun with an appositive), felt extremely happy and excited when she heard that she got GPA-5 in (b) —— (use article to pre-modify the noun) HSC examination. She had shown that one can gain almost anything by dint of (c) —— (use a noun adjective to per-modify the noun) labour and determination. Financial problem could not stand on (d) —— (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) way to success. Her seriousness was (e) —— (use an adverb to pre-modify the adjective) much clear throughout the academic year. She maintained a (f) —— (use a noun-adjective to premodify the noun) plan and never wasted her time (g) —— (post-modify the verb with prepositional phrase/adverbial). Now she has got the reward she deserves. (h) —— (use a demonstrative to pre-modify the noun) result will be an inspiration for her in her future life. Her brilliant result has inspired (i) —— (use determiner of pre-modify the noun) students so much that they have already started reading their lessons more (j) —— (postmodify the verb with an adverb) than before. Farjana is helping other students in the preparation of a perfect study plan.
32. Arsenic is a (a) —— (Pre-modify the noun) substance. It is (b) —— (Use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) dangerous for human health. (c) —— (Use a demonstrative to premodify the noun) substance is found in the water of the tube well. There are (d) —— (Premodify the noun) villages in our country. Most of our (e) —— (Use a noun adjective to premodify the noun) people drink tube well water. At present they are passing their days (f) –— (Use a participle to pre-modify the verb). (g) ——(Use a participle to pre-modify the verb) people suffer from different kinds of problems. This problem is (h) –— (Pre-modify the verb) found in North Bengal. We should take a serious measure (i) —— (Use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb) which produce contaminated water. Government is trying to identify the tube wells (j) –— (Post-modify the verb) red. 2019
33. I had gathered a peculiar experience (a) — (post modify the verb) while travelling to St. Martin's Island. I visited the island along with my faimily. Zakir (b) — (post modify the noun with an appositive) was my guide. On the way to the island, we watched (c) — (demonstrative to pre-modify the noun) sea gulls. The (d) — (pre-modify the noun) birds were flying (e) — (post-modify the verb) with the ship. They became (f) — (use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) dear and friendly to us. We entertained them with biscuits; (g) — them (use a present participle to pre-modify the verb) We became (h) — (use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) excited. We decided (i) — (use an infinitive phrase to post modify the verb) in the idyllic island for a couple of days. We can never forget (j) — (use a demonstrative to pre-modify the adjective phrase to post modify the verb) lovely sea birds.
34. Dinajpur. My friend Tamalika (b) —— (Post-modify the noun with an appositive) was driving. A crow was crossing the road but suddenly in the middle of the road it stopped and remained standing. In a minute Tamalika had to change her course but she didn't have (c) —— (Pre-modify the noun) time and space to do that. Tamalika tried to turn in the left when the cow too walked (d) —— (Post-modify the verb) back a few steps. To save (e) —— (Use a demonstrative to pre-modify the noun) cow Tamalika had to move on the right. She lost her control and bumped the car with a (f) —— (Use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) tree. (g) —— (Use a participle to pre-modify the verb) Tamalika was shocked but she was (h) —— (Use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) happy (i) —— (Use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the adjective). She patted the (j) —— (Pre-modify the noun) cow and burst into laughter.
35. It was a hot day of summer, (a) — (post-modify the noun with an appositive). A crow got (b) — (Pre-modify the adjective with an adverb) thirsty. It searched for water (c) — (Post-modify the very with adverbial), but could not find it anywhere. It felt very sad and sat on a (d) — (Use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) breach of a tree. Suddenly, the crow saw a garden at a (e) — (Use determiner to pre-modify the noun) distance. It flew there and within a (f) — (Use quantifier to pre-modify the noun) minutes, it found a pitcher nearby. The crow flew down and sat on (g) — (Use demonstrative to pre-modify the noun phrase) brim of the pitcher. (h) — (Use a demonstrative to pre-modify the noun phrase) pitcher had little water in it. Feeling very happy, it tried to drink the water. But (i) — (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) beak did not reach it. The crow did not lose heart. It tried (j) — (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb) the jar, but it was not strong enough to do that. It was in a fix what to do. Suddenly an idea crossed its mind.
36. Health is wealth refers to the importance and value of health. Health is compared to wealth, because a (a) —— (Pre-modify the noun) man can earn money and accumulate wealth. (b) —— (use a prepositional phrase to pre-modify the verb) wealth is valueless. It is health (c) —— (use a relative pronoun to post-modify the noun) can give us bliss and make us (d) —— (use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) happy. Health alone can enable us (e) —— (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb). It is also said that a (f) —— (Pre-modify the noun) mind lies is a sound body. A healthy man can work (g) —— (Postmodify the verb) and attain wealth. We might get (h) —— (use a demonstrative to premodify the noun) wealth by following some rules of health. We must rise (i) —— (Postmodify the verb) and take a (j) —— (use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) walk. Physical exercise must be taken regularly.
37. Newspaper plays a very (a) — (pre-modify the noun) role in modern civilization. It publishes news and views of home and abroad. Only (b) — (pre-modify the noun) knowledge is not enough in this competitive world. A newspaper helps a man (c) — (postmodify the verb with infinitive) his general knowledge. Besides academic books, one should read newspapers (d) — (post-modify the verb). Newspaper helps one (e) — (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) the facts of the world. (f) — (pre-modify the verb with a present participle phrase) regularly, one can be aware of everything. There are (g) — (pre-modify the noun) kinds of newspapers. One should select the newspaper (h) — (post-modify the verb). One should choose the (i) — (pre-modify the noun) paper because many newspapers present news partially. Whatever the paper is, it (j) — (pre-modify the verb) helps a man.
38. A hare was (a) —— (use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) popular with the other beasts who all claimed to be her friends. But one day she heard the hounds (b) —— (use participle phrase to post-modify the noun). He hoped to escape them by the aid of her (c) —— (use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) friends. So, she went to the horse, and asked him to carry her (d) —— (post-modify the verb) from the hounds on his back. But he declined stating that he had important work to do for his master. She then applied to the bull, and hoped that he would repel the hounds with (e) —— (pre-modify the noun with a possessive pronoun) horns. The bull replied " I am very sorry, but I have an appointment with a lady; but feel sure that our friend the fox will do (f) —— (post-modify the verb with a clause)". The fox (g) —— (post-modify the noun with an appositive), however, feared that his back might do her some harm if he took her upon it. Finally he went to the ram who replied : "Another time, my dear friend, I am really unable (h) —— (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb)." (i) —— (use a participle to pre-modify the verb) the hare was shocked and made a conclusion that, "He that has (j) —— (pre-modify the noun) friends, has no friends."
39. The newspaper (a) — (post-modify the noun with an appositive) is a printed record of current event. It gives us (b) — (use determiner to pre-modify the noun phrase) important news of home and abroad. In a word, the newspaper is like (c) — (use article to pre-modify the noun) mirror of the world. The newspaper was first introduced in China. The "Indian Gazette" was the (d) — (use determiner to pre-modify phrase) newspaper of the subcontinent. The Samachar Darpon was first (e) — (use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) newspaper. A newspaper is (f) — (use an adverb to modify the adjective) useful to us. We cannot think of (g) — (use possessive to modify the noun) morning without it. (h)— (use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) people have different taste. So, a newspaper supplies us with (i) — (use a determiner to modify the noun) sort of news. We all should read newspaper (j) — (post modifier)